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A heart full for Kirklees

For over 40 years I have been an active member of our community in Kirklees. Campaigning for social justice is central to who I am and the role I play in our communities. My belief in our Labour movement is built on a set of values and principles that my parents gave to me and which I still try to live by today.


I have been an active Labour Party member since 1994 and, crucially, I have a strong track record of winning elections for the Labour Party. I have been a Batley councillor since 2002. I have demonstrated my political and campaigning skills by winning my seat off an incumbent Liberal Democrat Councillor, in a difficult year for the Labour Party nationally.


Bucking the national trend has been the story of my campaigning career with Labour. I am proud to have served our party at almost every level across the constituency and campaigning functions. I have acted as the election agent in multiple elections, and I have over 15 years serving on Kirklees Cabinet, with 5 years serving as Leader of our Council. The local elections was a vindication of the progress we are making under my leadership of the council. Once again, in 2023, under my leadership Labour gained more seats on the council.


I have proven that I am credible, trusted, and respected both in Kirklees and across the country. I served as; Deputy Chair of the Local Government Association, member of the West Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (WYMCA), member of the Leeds City Region LEP, chair the WYMCA Business Economy and Innovation Committee and member of the Yorkshire Leaders Board. I am  currently a member of the Congress for the Council of Europe where I serve on the Observations and Monitoring Committee.


I’ve made it my business to promote Kirklees at home, in Westminster and around the world whilst I held the Leadership of our Council. 


I’m incredibly proud of my political journey to date, but my most important job is as a husband and father. Family is so important to me and I’m proud to have been married to my wife for 34 years and we have three wonderful children who have followed in our footsteps and dedicated their careers to serving the public as doctors and pharmacists. 


Kirklees is my heart, I was bought up in  Dewsbury and Batley it is a place my family and I care deeply about.  





Your Voice in Kirklees and Beyond

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